
DTI Tractography for Neurosurgery

Diffusion-MR tractography has the potential to help neurosurgeons determine tumor resection boundaries in functional areas involving eloquent white matter pathways. However, the validity of tractography results in clinical settings has not yet been established. The DTI Challenge project aims to evaluate the performances of tractography algorithms in the reconstruction of peritumoral anatomy and corticospinal tract trajectory on pre-operative and post-operative diffusion data from patients presenting with a tumor in or near the motor system.

DTI Challenge Working Group  

The DTI Tractography Challenge is a working group that focuses on the validation of DTI Tractography techniques for neurosurgery. The project brings together neurosurgeons and scientific teams, and aims to define standard to ascertain quality features for surgical guidance. The group is open to clinicians, clinical researchers, algorithm developers and computer scientists interested in the validation of tractography for neurosurgical interventions. If you would like to join the project, please send an e-mail to Sonia Pujol (spujol at

DTI Challenge Workshops

The DTI Challenge workshops bring together members of the working group at the MICCAI international conference.The workshops focus on the reconstruction of the peritumoral white matter anatomy in a series of cases presenting with a glioma near an eloquent cortical area. The past editions of the DTI Challenge workshop at MICCAI 2011 in Toronto, MICCAI 2012 in Nice, and MICCAI 2013 in Nagoya included neurosurgical data that were acquired in the AMIGO suite at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA.

Past Editions

MICCAI 2014 DTI Challenge (Fourth Edition), September 14, 2014, Boston, USA

MICCAI 2013 DTI Challenge (Third Edition), September 22, 2013, Nagoya, Japan

MICCAI 2012 DTI Challenge (Second Edition), October 1st, 2012, Nice, France

MICCAI 2011 DTI Challenge (First Edition), September 18, 2011, Toronto, Canada